Determining the best service for the best value

How do you choose the best quality for money architectural rendering service?

There are many variables to consider – the size of the project, the number of images required, the visualisation style, which determines the type of rendering engine and programs required, and the list goes on. You will need to consider all of these aspects to be able to make an informed decision.

Rendering Studio & Architectural Firm

Communication of ideas is difficult, doubly so when that idea relates to spatial designs. Having a firm with a local footprint where you can meet the designer in-person will maximise chances that the final design conveys faithfully what you have envisioned. Refining that design is also best done with face-to-face meetings rather than with an offshore visualisation office. It’s always best to measure twice and cut once.

A consistent line of communication is also important when it comes to determining the right pricing for you. Many 3D rendering studios do not provide their exact pricing upfront, and understandably so, as requirements and costs for each rendering project vary based on what you have envisioned. The only way to know with certainty what type of pricing package fits your needs is through clear and consistent communication with the prospective studio.

Outsourcing 3D Rendering Services Online

Nowadays, outsourcing 3D rendering services is a click of a button away and often you can expect to receive quality service for great prices. However, caveat emptor: miscommunication, administration, and delays in correspondence could all detract from what should be a stress free service. That said, not all online rendering services suffer from the same pitfalls and you may want to consider the above factors when seeking a prospective studio.

There are various factors to consider when it comes to selecting the best rendering studio for you. For me, being able to have effective communication with a prospective studio will, by far, ensure that I will receive the best service. How you will communicate with the 3D artist, be it via email, in person meeting or Skype will determine whether you have made the right choice or not.

Architectural Design and the User Experience

Whether it be a home, an office or university, a building’s design can help or hinder our health and productivity. For example, we can be affected by daylight access, air quality, connection to nature and acoustics. Our senses all relate to how exposed we feel and as a concept, a healthy building should be designed around a seamless user experience.

Then why is architectural photography, the people are nearly always missing?

Most architectural photography is devoid of people – for good reason. Images of empty architectural spaces have an allure that’s backed up by psychology: We’re most attracted to images of people, and if even one person slips into the frame, they take attention away from the space itself. The attention here is not about what people do in the space but rather the user experience designed from the imagined users’ needs. In this regard, the architectural photography empty of people will feel like great architecture.

It may seem obvious, but even the most beautiful building detracts from user experience if it doesn’t fulfill its function. What is the value of stunning aesthetics if an occupant is stifled by heat from a misplaced window, or is unable to arrange furniture neatly inside?

Quite often architects/designers rarely go back and gauge if their designs are fit for purpose after construction. A performance gap exists as buildings operate differently in reality in comparison with its design on paper. Often reasons for not making an assessment are generally associated with cost and the contractor having moved onto another job – and unfortunately nobody wants to be accountable when something goes wrong.

Let design be user-driven.

What’s in vogue quite often influences design for buildings, plugging successful designs from one industry and applying it directly to another with expectations of the same outcome.

It might look nice but does it suit the users’ needs?

Is it healthy and functional?

Seamless user experience is the end goal and the road to this destination should involve a healthy dose of user feedback and learning from the existing spaces. Only then will a building’s function align with desires of the user.

Architecture 101 – Imagining Architecture

We spend our lives inside buildings and our thoughts are shaped by what we see. Curved versus the rectilinear and the appealing set against to the more approachable. Sorry Corbusier.

Architecture engages social values and expresses them in material and aesthetic form. It introduces the idea of imagination as a faculty that mediates sensuous experience and conceptual understanding. Two examples of architectural imagination – perspectives and typologies. Whether indoors or outdoors, it is a spatial organisation that tend to express an expression of its own with the assistance of cutting edge technology and something AI cannot cover, our ‘imagination’.

Is there an ideal kind of architecture for different kinds of thinking?

What struck me is the idea of ‘lighting’ effect that responds to design. Recognising and rendering an image in the mind to make it become life. In addition to this, the other primary difference is the colouring of walls which influence the imagination leading to the accuracy and attention to detail of architecture. For instance, the colour blue automatically triggers associations with the sky and ocean and or water.

Our entire visual experience depends on light. It has an important impact on the function and aesthetics of architectural spaces which accounts to the kind of human activity and amount of lighting required for each space. The design process of distributing light whether indoor or outdoor may affect the views of particular objects as a human response.

It is easy for us to daydream the illustrated into reality, but it is our response that would grasp the conceptual understanding and to be able to express materials into an artistic form through architectural techniques.