We spend our lives inside buildings and our thoughts are shaped by what we see. Curved versus the rectilinear and the appealing set against to the more approachable. Sorry Corbusier.
Architecture engages social values and expresses them in material and aesthetic form. It introduces the idea of imagination as a faculty that mediates sensuous experience and conceptual understanding. Two examples of architectural imagination – perspectives and typologies. Whether indoors or outdoors, it is a spatial organisation that tend to express an expression of its own with the assistance of cutting edge technology and something AI cannot cover, our ‘imagination’.
What struck me is the idea of ‘lighting’ effect that responds to design. Recognising and rendering an image in the mind to make it become life. In addition to this, the other primary difference is the colouring of walls which influence the imagination leading to the accuracy and attention to detail of architecture. For instance, the colour blue automatically triggers associations with the sky and ocean and or water.
Our entire visual experience depends on light. It has an important impact on the function and aesthetics of architectural spaces which accounts to the kind of human activity and amount of lighting required for each space. The design process of distributing light whether indoor or outdoor may affect the views of particular objects as a human response.
It is easy for us to daydream the illustrated into reality, but it is our response that would grasp the conceptual understanding and to be able to express materials into an artistic form through architectural techniques.